The Lord must be trying to get through to me about my need for things to go the right way (otherwise known as MY way). Yesterday was such a Jonah day. Absolutely nothing went right. You know those days -- fantastic plan to get everything on the list done and it all goes out the window, or in a handbasket, or up a foul-smelling creek, or otherwise ruined, and it's so stressful. Uptight!
Here's what I always pray: Lord, help me "get it". I want the A-ha! moment as quickly as possible so that I don't have to keep learning over and over. Such as, if He wants me to grow in humility, I'd rather learn it after the first episode of tripping and falling down spectacularly and publicly. (I have some experience in the matter. Actually, I thought of going Pro, but the money's no good.) I'd rather not have to go through years of the same exercise. If He wants me to learn kindness in the face of cruelty, I'd rather grasp that at my first encounter with Mean Lady, rather than have to endure a new version of her the very next day. (I did and I have to say that I didn't exactly scratch her, but I didn't really handle myself in a way that might be called gracefully either.)
Sometimes you just have to put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
Everything goes wrong, people are mean, kids are fighting, what was just sparklingly clean is now a total junkyard, school time is crazy, cats and dogs living together in practical anarchy. I need to learn not to get so uptight on those Jonah days... So, dear Lord, if You'd like to get the issue of control over "my" day through my thick skull, please help me to learn it quickly! Serenity now!
Moving on. And now, for some outa sight news: WE HAVE WALKING! In the last few days Ray Ray's gone from 3 or 4 steps, to 10, to across the room this morning! I'll post a video as soon as I get it figured out. Last night at our OCEAN We Heart Ethiopia dinner, she got to show off her new trick. It absolutely astounds me that almost 6 months ago, when we first met Elianna Ray we were 100% sure that she'd need physical therapy, which isn't that uncommon for babies coming from orphan care. The International pediatrician told me at the time that she'd catch up, but WOW, we didn't realize how quick that would be! Hooray!
More outa sight news: The OCEAN dinner was such a great night! Kids included, we had more than 30 people this time, and three new families (Alipurias, Goachers, and Rabers). We got to meet the gorgeous Kidus Sherrell who came home from Ethiopia just three weeks ago and he's such a charmer. We got caught up with where the other families are in their adoption processes. The Jack-Zack-Attack duo staged a murder scene in the front hall. (I thought I could squeeze that in here, but it doesn't really flow with this paragraph.) And, we ate delicious Ethiopian cuisine, too! So fun! Here are a few photos:

Karen, me & Susan
Thank you, everyone, for a fantastic night! We are so glad to be sharing this amazing journey with you all! Who's up for a St. Pat's corned beef and cabbage dinner next month?
You are precious! Thank you for sharing your day with us and making me feel "normal"!! I have always said that I too want to learn the lesson fast because He will indeed bring it around and around again:) I keep telling Him that I really think I have this whole waiting thing down!!! He He
Looks like a really fun evening. The food looked yummy! Wish I had been there:) One day sister, one day.
Did I see Jalapenos In there somewhere???---Here is my oficial HELLO!!! I am reading your blog. I am home in bed I need some tea and kleenex. I am out.
love "X"
nothing but love for YA!!!
Lo and behold, here she is! It's Ms. X, my favorite blog stalker in the cyber-flesh! Xinia, te amo, mi amiga! Tu es mui bonita, chicka. (bad Spanish, but you get the jist.) I just love you, girl. You are the best! I'm sorry you're icky... Do you need some leftover Ethiopian comfort food? I hope Daniela is feeling better, too.
Lovelovelove, Laurie :)
Thanks for an awesome night Laurie and Michael! Joe and I enjoyed meeting everyone (and remembering some of the names!), and can't waito for the next get together. Ray-ray is so cute... and peek-a-boo was quite entertaining! Hopefully soon we'll have good news about a court date... and soon after a travel date!? A girl can hope! I love your blog and your incredible sense of humor! Keep it up! ;-)
Thanks so much for hosting!! It was wonderful to connect and I was so happy to have so many new families too! I just love how our Ethiopian world is getting bigger and bigger, and am so thrilled at the support we have because of this shared experience. I think your family is fantastic!! And I'm grateful for our budding friendship.
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