This hat just called out my name in a surf shop while the kids were getting new wetsuits. Let me tell you, it is so convenient. Now I can just snap my fingers at naughty kids and point at the hat!
Today after church we stopped off at the market with all the kids plus a bonus (Ricker's sidekick, Hynek). After filling two carts, we were finally checking out when I caught Elianna Ray flirting and playing peekaboo with a lady from the next aisle. On second glance I realized that -- Good Night, Nurse! -- it was Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel, a childhood development specialist who writes a column in the Orange County Register.
Sandy regularly comments about mothers, fathers, families, and kids that she's observed behaving inappropriately and offers stern advice about how the situation could have been handled better. Frankly, I love her column. She's funny, and smart, and right on the money, in my opinion, about discipline and teaching personal responsibility. BUT... What kind of madness had she witnessed while I corralled seven rambunctious, full-grown goats through the market?!? (See previous post.) I wanted to smile politely, and then run away screaming.
She was very sweet, and we had a nice chat, and later, she even complemented my boys for saying, "Have a happy day!" and I didn't even bribe them with a Wii to get them to do it either! I did a little happy dance right there in the parking lot. I'm NOT a failure as a mother! Dr. McDaniel says so! HOORAY!
When we were leaving she asked what our names were again, and Michael quickly remembered her tendency to parlay other people's poor parenting skills into the next morning's article, and said, "Um... er... yeah... I'm Art Vandelay. I'm in the latex business. And, this is my wife, Sheila." Mr. Funny Man.
And, by the way, if Dr. McDaniel's next column happens to mention having encountered a wild, motley bunch of unruly rapscallions in Villa Park, then I've never met the lady. Never heard of her. What were we talking about?
You'll have to post if the great Dr. does an article about the crazy family in the store..... :)
Too cute, and the hat is a must have!
xo Lori
PS. you look radiant darlin!
Every mother should own that hat!
Great Site :-)
Oh, you are hilarious- and I want that hat too. I've had that thought at the grocery store also- that an author or minister, etc. might 'use' our family (not in a positive way) in an article or sermon on responsible child-rearing.
great hat....shiela vandelay!
Love it. The hat - and the story! I so hope she writes about you all. I trust you'll link it to your blog, right?
Oh, and "Good Night Nurse!"? That's a funny one. We used to say that in my house and then my brother started saying "Good Morning Doctor!". Which was funny at the time. Now that I write that last part out and tell that in my adult life, it doesn't sound near as funny. :) Oh well...
I don't think I would look as cute in it though. :)
the new site looks great! He is risen indeed!
My, my, look who got another great blog make-over!! Really like the new Easter theme:) I love Easter!
Ok, that story made me cry! Please keep us posted and please, please write the article on one of my favorite families!!
Oh how funny! I hope if she writes about you guys you put a link up for us to all read it! Sounds like Michael handled it well though, so the Vandelay's are safe! ;-)
Great hat!
Yeah, so I see there's an OCEAN blog. Yeah, so can I be invited to that, or have I not hit the cool club yet? Is this where you keep your club groupies posted on OCEAN happenings?? Yeah, so I'd kinda love to be included, but only if I meet the coolness factor required. ;-)
That just shows how computer illiterate I am! I didn't realize that the OCEAN blog was "visible" since it's not public. Duh! Jesi, you betcha you'll be invited once it's done. I have yet to send out an email to the other OCEAN families so that's why you didn't know about it. (Susan thought it'd be a good idea to have one central blog to give quick updates for everyone and to post info for gatherings, etc.) I'll be sure to include you since you're by far the COOLEST of all of us! :D
Love the hat. Need one myself. :)
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