People ask us all the time if we're "done" having children.
(Just as an aside, isn't it amazing the personal questions people will ask? I want to reply, "Do you have prostate issues?" "How much do you make per year?" "So, are those real?")
Occasionally people really ask that question just so that they can give their opinion about it. And there seems to be two distinct camps over that issue.
Such as, if we respond, "Probably" we hear either "Oh my word, WHY would you want more than five kids?!" or "That's phenomenal! Good for you guys!"
If we say, "Probably not" people say "Yeah, five is already so many! Yeesh!" or "Oh, well, I love large families. The more the merrier."
Some people think of a houseful of kids with all the noise, and mess, and expense, and lack of privacy, and on and on as a burden. Others wouldn't have it any other way.
Some people think of adopting/birthing more kids into a large family is unfair to the kids. They won't get enough attention. Others think it builds a sense of community, teaches kids how to share and relate well with others.
But, the truth for me is that it's really about what the Lord has for our family. What does He say?
The Gospel tells us that
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27
Michael and I share a burden for orphans, a passion for adoption, a love of children, a heart for Africa, etc. But, we can't adopt them all (although when you're there looking at all those beautiful motherless faces, your heart breaks that you cannot). On the other hand, we look at our lives and think -- We have room. We have the resources. How can we not?
The answer is... We don't know. And, it isn't really up to us anyway. It's up to the Lord.
Michael thinks we may have another little son out there somewhere. He has a name. Does that mean that he is mine? I don't know yet.