06 November 2007

Thankful for Grace

Ricker and I had a sweet conversation the other day. He told me that he was frustrated by the idea of salvation by grace because he just felt so unworthy of it. We talked about the inherent struggle between the human desire to earn God's favor through works, and the ultimate fruitlessness of that effort. Because of my sin, grace MUST be a gift completely undeserved by me or it's not grace. I agree with my son, unmerited forgiveness through faith alone challenges my heart.

So, today I'm remembering to be thankful for the Grace of Jesus who has saved me. I don't deserve it. I couldn't possibly.


emily said...

What a precious conversation to have with your child. I love when they feel the freedom to wrestle outloud with thoughts and feelings.

Isn't it just too much to wrap your brain around? Man, selfish- I can do it all by myself-man, can't grasp that literally it is a complete work of Jesus, that we can offer up nothing to satisfy the due punishment of sin! It is indeed humbling when you do understand the free gift of God's good grace!

Thank you for sharing.

Rebecca said...

agreed. i have to constantly thank God for his grace and mercy that he ALWAYS extends me!!

Nikki said...

Love the picture on your blog topper!! By the way,your daughter is gorgeous!
