"Now FAITH is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1
Hebrews 11:1
This month brought a new development in our adoption quest. We thought for years that the Lord had said, "China", and had pictured in our minds a precious little Chinese baby in our arms and family, but recently it seemed as though we had hit a fork in the road and weren't sure what to do about it. It was very puzzling. We sat down and talked and prayed about it, and asked friends and family we trust what they thought the Lord was saying. After a few days of feeling like the door to China was closed but that adopting a baby was still His plan, we asked, "OK, Lord, so where do you want us to go?" We asked, "Russia, Guatemala, India, Korea, Vietnam, Africa?" And without question, He said,
It was one of the strongest, most direct words from the Lord either of us have ever heard.
And that was that. We both felt solidly directed to change our plans to Ethiopia, and so we did so immediately! Suddenly, our mental picture of Baby Hausam is a beautiful little black baby and that surprising change from China to Ethiopia doesn't feel odd to us in any way. It feels perfectly right. It's as if that was the plan in our hearts all along. We can hardly WAIT to meet our Ethiopian princess!
So, after making that alteration, we're still wading through and making sense of reams of international adoption paperwork. This has been a very new experience for us. Gwennie and Gabbie's adoption (although incomplete, of course, it was all but waiting for a judge's signature.) and Jackie's adoption because they were domestic were totally different animals than this. We're so thankful for really helpful coordinators on the agency and social work sides.
This month we enjoyed a delightful visit from our friends, the Hollenbachs from Kentucky. They were invaluable to us and Jackie's birth mother during her pregnancy and his birth. We stayed in their beautiful home after he was born. They are our Kentucky Mom & Dad. And, now, Evangeline Hollenbach will be here attending Biola in the fall, so we get to be her California Mama & Papa!
We also busied ourselves with field trips, working on a new study for our Bible study group, piano recitals, and celebrating Michael's 38th birthday!
Thank you to all who have been in prayer for our grandparents Ray Ortlund, Anne Ortlund, and John McClure. God is so faithful! If you'd like an update on their progress, email us or leave a message in the guestbook.
Our beautiful 7-month-old, Evangeline

Ray & Evangeline Hollenbach

St. Pat's dinner

Michael and our nephew, Lincoln

Field trip to the Discovery Science Center

Michael & Mark blowing out their birthday candles

Evangeline & Mama

Field trip to the Newport Beach Nautical Museum

Michael's bday at Disneyland

Working on our homeschool tide pools project at Little Corona

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