"For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will - to the praise of His glorious grace which He has freely given us in the One He loves." Ephesians 1:4-6
Welcome to our journey to our little Chinese daughter,
Mei Mei to Margie, Ricker, Jackie & Evangeline!
Mei Mei to Margie, Ricker, Jackie & Evangeline!
We are so thrilled to finally be started on this adoption after years of waiting on the Lord for His perfect plan to unfold. We are immeasurably grateful to our amazing family and friends who have been 100% supportive, excited, and encouraging. What would we do without you wonderful people?!? We are so blessed to have such a great group of people who've got our backs no matter what, love us unconditionally, and are plain ol' fun to be with, and we love you all dearly!
A little background for those of you who haven't prayed us through this decision from the beginning:
Several people have asked us, "Why are you adopting a baby when Evangeline is still so young?" Well, because the Lord planted the desire in our hearts for a daughter from the other side of the Earth a long time ago. Then He said, "Wait." After years of wondering if we heard Him right, He promised us another birth child.
What?!? TWO babies?!?
And then the Lord allowed more waiting, loss and suffering, and then more waiting. Isn't is an inexplicable challenge when the Lord makes a big, fat promise or two and then is quiet (at least to our ears)??? Finally, we took the bull by the horns and started working on adoption paperwork and the Lord laughed at our impatience. That very month I became pregnant and we rejoiced with tears and laughter! Our plans for adoption were then delayed until after our little rosebud, Evangeline, was born.
And what a joy to us Evangeline is! She truly is a gift from Heaven.

We expected that Evangeline would be the baby sister, but it turns out she'll be the older sister to our daughter from China! Margie, Ricker, and Jackie are all very excited about the prospect of Mei Mei on the way! Thank you, Jesus, for Your abundant blessing!
This month we did a lot of playing. We celebrated New Years Day with our traditional Swedish breakfast at the folks, and then a walk on the beach, rode a thousand rides at Knott's, took our folks to California Adventure, dedicated our beautiful baby to Jesus, and took a field trip up to see Uncle Nels' at the Monrovia Police Department and visit the Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena. We are so blessed to have such a great life. God is so good! In the rough times, or happy seasons, He's always there. Praise Jesus!
Our little Boo Boo Bunny & Mama

Our traditional first beach trip of the New Year, January 1, 2007

Johnny & Jackie

Marg & Ricker at Knott's

Disney's California Adventure with our favorite people, Poppy & Nana

Marg, Poppy, Ricker & Michael on California Screamin'

Jackie loves how having his two front teeth gone makes him look fierce!

Poppy & Ricker

Poppy, Grams, Papa & Nana

Evangeline's dedication

Tennis lessons

Kids with Uncle Nels

with Nels, Captain Stotter, and Lou Ferrigno (remember "The Hulk"?)

At the Norton Simon

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