30 April 2009

Happy 90th Birthday, Papa!

Last weekend, the McClure clan gathered at Uncle John & Auntie Marilyn's home in Newport Beach to celebrate our dear Papa turning 90 years old! What a blast!

In case you were curious, the namesake legacy goes

1. John Clarendon McClure... our great-great-grandfather
2. John Clarendon Englebright McClure... our great-grandfather who was baptized John Clarendon Englebright George Washington McClure -- no joke -- after the pastor kidded that his name wasn't long enough! - called Jack by friends and "Popup" by his grands
3. John Clarendon McClure II... our grandfather - called Bud by friends and "Papa" by his grands
4. John Clarendon McClure III... our father - called John by friends and "Poppy" by his kids and grands
5. John Clarendon McClure IV... our brother - called Bud by friends and "Pops" by his kids
6. John Clarendon McClure V... our nephew - called Johnny!

There are many other John men in the family, too, (like Uncle John and cousin John) which is why most have nicknames. Our John, aka "Snakebite" is called Jackie. Confusing, I know, but hopefully this cleared things up a bit.

(And, yes, I know that even though those McClure genes are incredibly strong -- check out those cousin clones -- I look a lot like my Grams. Truly, I'm thrilled to be like her in any way at all. She's quite a lady!)

Happy birthday to our dear Papa! We love you so much.

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